
Linux Mint 19 (Ubuntu bionic)

Installing packages
$sudo apt install g++ # need to build pdftotext
$sudo apt install libpoppler-cpp-dev # need to buid pdftotext
Installing tesseract
$sudo apt install tesseract-ocr
$sudo apt install tesseract-ocr-rus # install languages you want
Installing python3.7
$sudo apt install python3.7
$sudo apt install python3.7-dev
Installing pip
$sudo apt install python-pip
Installing virtualenv
$pip install –user virtualenv
$echo ‘PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH’ >> ~/.bashrc
$source ~/.bashrc
Installing virtualenvwrapper
$pip install –user setuptools
$pip install –user wheel
$pip install –user virtualenvwrapper
$echo ‘source ~/.local/bin/’ >> ~/.bashrc
$source ~/.bashrc
Creating virtualenv for django_ocr_server
$mkvirtualenv django_ocr_server -p /usr/bin/python3.7
Installing django-ocr-server (on virtualenv django_ocr_server). It installs Django as a dependency
$pip install django-ocr-server
Create your Django project (on virtualenv django_ocr_server)
$django-admin startproject ocr_server
Go to project directory
$cd ocr_server
Edit ocr_server/
Add applications to INSTALLED_APPS

Edit ocr_server/

Perform migrations (on virtualenv django_ocr_server)
$python migrate
Create superuser (on virtualenv django_ocr_server)
$python createsuperuser
Run server (on virtualenv django_ocr_server), than visit http://localhost:8000/
$python runserver

Linux Mint 19 (Ubuntu bionic) automatic installation

Clone django_ocr_server from github
$git clone
Run the installation script using sudo
$sudo {your_path}/django_ocr_server/

The script creates OS user named ‘django_ocr_server’, installs all needed packages. Creates the virtual environment. It installs django_ocr_server (from PyPI by default, but you can create the package from cloned repository, see the topic ‘Creation a distribution package’ how to do this). Then it creates the django project named ‘ocr_server’ in the home directory of ‘django_ocr_server’ OS user. After the script changes and is placed in ~django_ocr_server/ocr_server/ocr_server/. Finally it applies migrations and creates the superuser named ‘admin’ with the same password ‘admin’.

Run server under OS user django_ocr_server, then change ‘admin’ password in the http://localhost:your_port/admin/ page.
$sudo su
$su django_ocr_server
cd ~/ocr_server
workon django_ocr_server
python runserver

Centos 7

Install epel repository
$sudo yum install epel-release
Install python 3.6
$sudo yum install python36
$sudo yum install python36-devel
Install gcc
$sudo yum intall gcc
$sudo yum install gcc-c++
Install dependencies
$sudo yum install poppler-cpp-devel
Install tesseract
$sudo yum install tesseract
$sudo yum install tesseract-langpack-rus # install a language pack you need
Install pip
$sudo yum install python-pip
Install virtualenv
$sudo pip install virtualenv
Create the virtual env for django_ocr_server
$sudo virtualenv /var/www/ocr_server/venv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 –distribute
Give rights to the project folder to your user
$sudo chown -R {your_user} /var/www/ocr_server/
Activate virtualenv
$source /var/www/ocr_server/venv/bin/activate
Install postgresql 11 (The Postgresql version 9.2 that is installing in Centos 7 by default returns an error when applying migrations )
$sudo yum install postgresql11-server
$sudo yum install postgresql-devel
$sudo /usr/pgsql-11/bin/postgresql-11-setup initdb
Edit /var/lib/pgsql/11/data/pg_hba.conf
host all all md5
host all all ::1/128 md5
$sudo systemctl enable postgresql-11
$sudo systemctl start postgresql-11
$sudo -u postgres psql
# create database django_ocr_server encoding utf8;
# create user django_ocr_server with password ‘django_ocr_server’;
# alter database django_ocr_server owner to django_ocr_server;
# alter user django_ocr_server createdb; # if you want to run tests
# q
pip install psycopg2-binary # (on virtualenv django_ocr_server)
Installing django-ocr-server (on virtualenv django_ocr_server). It installs Django as a dependency
$pip install django-ocr-server
Create django project (on virtualenv django_ocr_server)
$cd /var/www/ocr_server
$django-admin startproject ocr_server .
Edit ocr_server/

Add applications to INSTALLED_APPS

Configure database connection

Edit ocr_server/
Apply migrations (on virtualenv django_ocr_server)
$python migrate
Create superuser (on virtualenv django_ocr_server)
$python createsuperuser
Run server (on virtualenv django_ocr_server), than visit http://localhost:8000/
$python runserver